There have been a lot of changes and uncertainty to wedding season this year. While we were all thrown through bit of a loop, we are working hard together to be flexible during this time. There are a couple different ways to share with your guests what your new plans are. Get creative!
Send out a change the date. To avoid confusion, find a clever way to cross out or show the original date isn’t happening, but informing them of the new date. You can utilize signage that matches your theme and have a mini photoshoot. Play with themes such as flight delay signs at the airport or calendars.
Utilize technology. This is when you can use your wedding website to your advantage and make a big announcement on all the update details. Send out an eblast and post on social media that your website has everything they need to know about how you’re postponing your wedding.
Laugh it off! Any way you say it, there are some great ways to make a simple joke out of an unexpected situation. Your change the date card can be as simple as, “Let’s roll with it…” with a roll of toilet paper or the classic, “When life gives you lemons…” with a bright pop of yellow! Any way you let your guests know, make sure you follow up with them, so they know the new plan and stay positive!
Wondering what next steps you should take if you’re postponing your wedding. Having a wedding planner when the unexpected happens can save so much time and stress! Learn how Destiny Events can help you during your planning process by clicking here.
September 30, 2020
I believe you have noted some very interesting points , thanks for the post. Tobe Vladamir Ehr
Thank you and thanks for reading the blog!